To me, shops filled with vintage clothes smelling of mothballs, old musty books and daggy knick-knacks were way down my list of fun places to visit.
How times have changed...

Last week, Mr 5 complained that he had outgrown all his shirts and didn't have one to wear to his friend's birthday party.
"Why haven't you bought me a new shirt, Mum?"
This week, I found myself in the local Salvos and there they were - 3 shirts in his size AND one was a Spiderman shirt!
In another stroke of fabulous luck, there was a black suit in his size - perfect for his school dance. He'll probably only wear it once and at $15, I thought it was an ok buy - but on half-price-purple-tag-day-Thursday it was only $7.50. Bam!Books, clothes, coffee paraphernalia are always on my shopping list and recently, a brand spanking new Scanpan frypan (try saying that 3 times) landed in my basket.
Where: Everywhere
When: Monday - Saturday usually.
Why:Re-use, Re-cycle, find a bargain
How Much:Cheap as chips.
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