For something a little different, we booked into a Have a Go at Archery Session. I'd tried archery once before, but it was so long ago, I don't remember much about it at all. Bows, arrows, something, something.
The venue was a factory in an industrial park in Bayswater. Not what we expected, but in we went, nervously excited at the experience we were about to have inside.
It was just the two of us here for the 1:00pm session, so it was good to get one on one guidance and tips from Peter, the owner/instructor. Our 70 minute lesson was the perfect length of time for a beginner session.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Or not.

Other than that, the activity was safe and a lot of fun.
Not bad for a novice. If I do say so myself.
Our confidence building, we aimed for the higher row of targets, with equally good success as the lower level.
Wooden longbows were added to our arsenal, but these proved harder to use and we soon returned to the more familiar, and more comfortable, recurve bows that we began with.
18 metre indoor shooting range was a good sized area, allowing us to
move between 2 lines on the floor as our aim improved.
Ok, our aim didn't actually
improve much, but most of our arrows made it onto the target area, and
we managed to not shoot the walls, our instructor, or each other.
I was pretty chuffed with that result, just quietly.
I was pretty chuffed with that result, just quietly.
Where: 12/21 Power Road Bayswater
When: Daily - various session times
How Much: $20
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