Red roses, yellow roses, red and yellow roses, orange roses, pink roses, white roses and my favourite of the day - a blue rose.
Not exactly blue today, but this purple lilac Blue For You will make you forget the colour and just breathe in the divine fragrance.
Look first before you bury your nose in any of the roses - the local bees were big fans of the red and yellow blooms.
The gardens have smooth walking paths and manicured lawns across the 6 acres of land,with lots of bench seating and a few romantic rotundas to sit in. We chose a circular lawn (the Leaf area) surrounded by roses to have a picnic lunch in the sunshine.
The gardens are managed by volunteers. If you have green thumbs, wear rose-coloured glasses and your name is Rose - you can volunteer to assist on a Wednesday or Saturday morning.
Just kidding - you don't have to have green thumbs.
How Much:FREE (donation tube to support the great work done by volunteers)
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