Renowned artists like Kaff-eine had returned again to add their touch to the town...

Suitably chuffed at our masterpiece, we then wandered around town, watching as the real artists turned plain brick walls into incredibly lifelike portraits, cool animations and breathtakingly beautiful designs.
Some of the artists are just starting out and others are known for their work all over the world. They get to work on the most incredible projects and in amazing locations.

Such a cool gig! For mere mortals like myself, who are happy enough to colour in the numbered sections of such masterpieces, or stand back and admire the rest, it's pretty darn good just doing that.
The art is on display all over town, including the library and the skate park. I didn't get to see those in person, so now I have another reason to visit beautiful Benalla again.

What: Wall to Wall Street Art
Where: Benalla When: Daily
Why: public art
How Much: FREE to walk around and explore
Nearby: Goorambat Uniting Church Winton Wetlands
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