Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail

I was very much looking forward to seeing the third project to be completed in the Silo Art Trail, at the little farming town of Sheep Hills. 
Sitting alongside the railway line that once would have hauled grain from this site, the bare rear view of the silos gave no clue of the beauty that shines from the other side.
Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail
Just completed in December, the instantly recognizable work of Adnate is a stunning kaleidoscope of colours against the grey silos, the brown land and the blue sky.

Sheep Hills Silo Art TrailThe portraits of Aboriginal elders at either side and two children between them makes a beautiful timeline between young and old.Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail
The wrinkled eyes, grey hair and weathered skin of the Elders shows wisdom and maturity. The painted faces of the children shows a connection to their culture.
Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail
Up close, you can see the paint dripping from red lips...
Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail...and the background of startrails blazing across a purple-black night sky.
Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail
On the ground, pools of dried red paint stained the ground...
Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail
and splatters of purple covered the cement base of the silo.
Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail I didn't see any other buildings in Sheep Hills, apart from an old pub...Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail

 ...and and old hall.
Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail

And I didn't even notice any hills in Sheep Hills, but I am pleased to announce that there are sheep in Sheep Hills and they live right next door to the silo. So say Hi when you visit.
Sheep Hills Silo Art Trail

Where:445 Sheep Hills - Minyip Rd
When: Daily      
Why: art
How much: FREE

Nearby: Silo Art Trail, Brim


  1. The silo trail is fabulous, can't wait until the other 3 are completed.

    1. Hi Kevin and Diane,
      It is amazing! I still have Patchewollock on my to-do-list - I see an Autumn roadtrip in my future :)
      Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog.

  2. Was here last week & absolutly loved it painting is amazing nice to see a few other tourists around which would great for these small places, we travelled about 3km thru sheephills & found the cemertry which by the way was on a small hill , so old & worth the drive, well done to those involved in these new tourist attractions they are simply amazing , a must see

    1. Hi Wendy, thanks for taking the time to comment. The artwork is incredible - I love it. Thanks for the tip about the cemetery and the hill :) I'll have to have a look next time I'm up there.
