Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Stevensons Falls

With all the waterfalls in the Otway Ranges, we're definitely spoilt for choice. Some of them require an intermediate level of hiking to access, but with 2 kids in tow on our road trips, we only go for the beginner level of 1 hour easy walks.

To get to Stevensons Falls, we had to drive a few kms up a dirt road and over a creek fjord to reach the carpark. Luckily for us, it was dry weather and 2WD vehicle  accessible.

dirt road through forest

creek crossing via fjord

It  was an easy walk to the falls, with plenty to see along the way.

forest walking track

forest walking track under fallen tree
Rainforests and waterways like this creek have such a calming effect, they're the perfect place to be when the world around you is a bit crazy.

creek running through forest


waterfall with fallen  logs

The walk back to the car took us past a picnic area in a clearing and through a forest.

picnic in forest clearing

track across forest clearing

pine forest

We spotted this guy up in the tree and might not have noticed him if it wasn't for the bright blue drink bottle lid in his beak.
I find Bower Birds fascinating, and immediately followed him as he flew down to the ground next to the carpark.
He flew back to the carpark again and found something else blue, which he took back home.

bower bird with blue lid in beak
I looked over the fence and spotted his elaborate bower, with many blue things scattered around the perimeter. He was gathering them to impress the female bowers birds nearby.
We left him to his housekeeping, wishing him luck with his courtship rituals.
bower bird bower nest with blue items

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