In low light, the city in Winter looks dark and cold, but is lit up by the neon advertising signs of the day and the headlights of the old cars.
Some locations look familiar, as if they haven't changed much in the past 44+ years. Others - like the Gas and Fuel Buildings - make you do a double take. It's hard to recall a time when Federation Square wasn't sitting on that corner.
O'Callaghan (now 92 years old) had hoped to turn his images into a book, but gave up on the idea and returned to his teaching career.
Hopefully, that dream can someday become a reality. I, for one, would love to see more of his work.
Where: Ground floor, Melbourne Town Hall,110 Swanston Street, Melbourne
When: Mon: 10am to 2pm, Tue - Frid: 11am to 6pm, Sat: 10am to 4pm
Why:Photography, Melbourne's history
When: Mon: 10am to 2pm, Tue - Frid: 11am to 6pm, Sat: 10am to 4pm
Why:Photography, Melbourne's history
How Much: FREE
p.s. *get a coffee at: AIX, Centre Place
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